Synchronous and asynchronous management
Synchronous and asynchronous management
Competency description
I can design synchronous and asynchronous teaching phases in such a way that learners are well supported in their learning process.
Basic competency
Taxonomy level
2. Apply
Column/number in the document
Explanatory notes
This competence describes the ability to organize both synchronous and asynchronous teaching phases in such a way that they effectively serve the learners.
A temporal organization of teaching phases can contribute decisively to the learning experience.
Synchronous phases are those that take place in real time, such as live webinars or video conferences. Asynchronous phases take place at different times, such as studying records or editing tasks at their own pace.
Kerres, 2018.
Teaching material
Link to other competencies
In the field of “media subject-related competencies” in the sub-area “learning & learning”, the competencies are designed to explain the skills and skills they need in order to effectively and efficiently teach and learn with digital media. These competencies cover various aspects of the integration of digital media into the education process and emphasize the skills to plan digital teaching, to select learning content, to examine technical requirements, to formulate teaching objectives and to organize teaching-learning phases in time.
Time management, online learning, synchronous communication, asynchronous communication, learning support.