Guides and Tutorials

Here you will find manuals and instructions for services and systems supported by the ZenDi in alphabetical title order.

The content overview in the menu on the left is sorted by topics and focus.

Creative Commons licenses: How-To use

This article is only available in German. → Click here for the German article. [FIXME: Adapt the path if necessary.]

2023/09/01 14:31

How-to guide: Creating OER

The importance of creating Open Educational Resources (OER) has increased in the educational landscape. The term “Open Educational Resources” refers to freely available educational materials that are publicly accessible and can be shared and reused by teachers and learners.


2023/09/01 13:42

How-to guide: Using OER

What needs to be considered if you want to use existing OER? Below you will find a guide to this. In addition, the possibility of entering into an open exchange with others about the materials created is presented.


2023/09/01 13:41

Open Educational Resources: Introduction

If you create learning and teaching material, you need information about copyright and licenses. Open Educational Resources (OER) are educational materials of any kind and in any medium that are published under an open license.


2023/09/01 13:19

Open Educational Resources: Overview

What are Open Educational Resources (OER)? This overview is intended to provide guidance and information to support our university staff, students and other members of our community of practice to use and create Open Educational Resources (OER). We have compiled instructions and important information for you here.


2023/08/30 15:40

Search and find OER

Searching for materials on the Internet can lead to frustration, as the amount of information appears unstructured at first glance. However, in order to take advantage of the large variety of materials available, it is advisable to proceed in a structured manner.


2023/09/11 11:42