Open Educational Resources: Overview

What are Open Educational Resources (OER)? This overview is intended to provide guidance and information to support our university staff, students and other members of our community of practice to use and create Open Educational Resources (OER). We have compiled instructions and important information for you here.

If you create learning or teaching material, you will need various legal information, including copyright and licenses. Under legal information you will find links to information and materials from the land of Baden-Württemberg. Creative Commons (CC) licenses are a way to use or create free content. These licenses are not specific to a particular type of work, but apply to all works that are subject to copyright, e.g. texts, images, pieces of music, video clips, etc. About The Licenses is compiled in different languages and by video on the CC page. Under legal information you will also find a guide with tips on how to use Creative Commons licenses.

ZenDi support has prepared an OER guide in German. In addition, the material of the Learning Nuggets session called Learning Nuggets: Open Educational Resources (OER) nutzen, erstellen und veröffentlichen on 29-11-2021 is provided only in German. This session based on the MWK guide Open Educational Resources (OER) - Information for university teachers on the use and publication of OER (title translated). Ressource: Open Educational Resources (OER). Informationen für Hochschullehrende zur Nutzung und Veröffentlichung von OER. The content of the session is divided into the following sections:

In cooperation with the ValiDE project, the following guides have been developed, which are part of the ValiDE online course.