Media-based learning
Media-based learning
Competency description
I can implement media-assisted teaching/learning scenarios (enriched presence teaching, pure online teaching, hybrid teaching) in teaching and theoretically justify it.
Basic competency
Taxonomy level
2. Apply
Column/number in the document
Explanatory notes
This competence describes the ability to develop and implement teaching and learning scenarios while incorporating different forms of media-based learning. These include enriched learning and pure online teaching as well as hybrid teaching. Competence also requires the ability to establish them in theory.
Media-based teaching and learning is becoming increasingly important. Teachers should therefore be able to effectively shape and use different forms of media-based learning. The theory of learning is crucial to ensure that these forms are theoretically based and support the learning process of the students.
A university lecturer plans a course on literature history. He decides for a hybrid teaching where students learn both in presence events and online. The theoretical foundation for this decision is based on the assumption that students can develop a deeper understanding through it. This allows students to learn flexibly and at the same time benefit from personal feedback and social interaction.
Arnold, P. (2005) Use of digital media in higher education from a theoretical perspective. Kerres, 2018. Reinmann, G. (2013). Didactic action. The relationship between learning theories and didactic design (2nd edition). In M. Ebner & S. Schön (eds.), L3T. Manual for learning and teaching with technology (2nd edition, p. 127–157).
Teaching material
Link to other competencies
In the field of “media subject-related competencies” in the sub-area “learning & learning”, the competencies are designed to explain the skills and skills they need in order to effectively and efficiently teach and learn with digital media. These competencies cover various aspects of the integration of digital media into the education process and emphasize the skills to plan digital teaching, to select learning content, to examine technical requirements, to formulate teaching objectives and to organize teaching-learning phases in time.
Media-based learning, teaching and learning scenarios, Enriched Presence Teaching, Pure Online Teaching, Hybrid Teaching, Learning Theoretical Reasons.