Digital learning environments/ LMS
Digital learning environments/ LMS
Competency description
I can use digital learning environments to provide my content there.
Basic competency
Taxonomy level
2. Apply
Column/number in the document
Explanatory notes
This competence describes the ability to effectively use digital learning environments (LMS) to provide teaching content and resources for learners. Teachers should be able to use LMS platforms and organize and present their content in them.
LMS (e.g. Moodle) offer the opportunity to make your own teaching content available online to support the learning process. These platforms make it possible to present materials in a structured manner, to assign tasks, to facilitate communication between teachers and pupils and to follow the progress of learning.
A teacher uses a Learning Management System (Moodle) to provide her students access to teaching materials, tasks and discussion forums. The students can then access these materials, submit their homework online or ask and discuss questions in the discussion forums. The teacher uses the LMS platform to track the progress of the students and also to give individual feedback.
Wiegrefe (2011). The Moodle-2 practice book: learning together online at university, school and companies. Munich: Addison-Wesley.
Teaching material
Link to other competencies
In the field of “media subject-related competencies” in the sub-area “learning & learning”, the competencies are designed to explain the skills and skills they need in order to effectively and efficiently teach and learn with digital media. These competencies cover various aspects of the integration of digital media into the education process and emphasize the skills to plan digital teaching, to select learning content, to examine technical requirements, to formulate teaching objectives and to organize teaching-learning phases in time.
Digital learning environments, learning management systems (LMS), teaching content, online presentation.