
TEgoDi media projects in teacher education programmes

From the summer semester 2025, students studying to a degree in teacher education at the University of Education Weingarten will be required to complete two media projects with different objectives. These will be explicitly listed in the degree certificate.


On the basis of an interdisciplinary concept based on educational theory, the University of Education Weingarten has implemented media projects as an integral part of the teacher education programme (Müller et al., 2021). The focus is on the project-based approach with two compulsory projects (teaching-learning concept and media development project) for students to promote media education, media didactics and media subject didactics skills. This is based on the basic competences for teachers identified in the Weingarten competency framework. Students must complete both media projects in the courses of their teacher education programme (Bachelor and Master). These can be implemented in all subjects (docked to a lecture or seminar) as part of coursework, an internship, a thesis or an examination. In addition, internal and external co-operation partners can be involved in the project. The documentation of the planning, analysis and reflection of the media projects is realised with the help of an e-portfolio. For the realisation of the media projects and the creation of the e-portfolio, various support services are made available to students and lecturers at the University of Education Weingarten.

Two different mandatory media projects

In order to be prepared for the challenges of dealing with media in everyday school life, in addition to subject-specific competences, the targeted promotion of media pedagogical, media didactic and media subject didactic competences is also on the agenda. To this end, students have to do two different media projects.

The digital media-based teaching project addresses practical experiences in teaching with media and designing instructional embeddings, considering TPACK and subject-specific competencies. For example, the development of a teaching scenario in which at least one digital medium is used in a reflective manner to promote the intended competencies of the respective target group.

Within the digital media development project student teachers cooperatively design a media-based learning activity/session. For example, testing tools and techniques with the aim of independently or collaboratively developing (or further developing) media-based teaching and learning materials.

The media projects are intended to raise students' awareness of the technical and didactic challenges and opportunities of digital teaching and learning. Another aim is to encourage them to rethink teaching and discover new possibilities through increased acceptance. Reflecting on the use of tools and transferring knowledge is key here. Shared standards for the media projects, along with the e-portfolio, serve as guidance for assessing the projects and also facilitate feedback. KomDiKoLa and reflection in the e-portfolio are designed to support prospective teachers in recognising their evolving media competence.

The specification of a workload of 3 ECTS, along with interdisciplinary agreement on shared standards, provides a framework for implementing the media projects in the teacher education programmes at the University of Education Weingarten. Within this framework, the weighting may vary depending on the stage of the course and the subject(didactic) related academic focus.

Prototypical Workflow (Learner Journey)

The illustration presents the prototypical workflow of students for creating their media projects (Learner Journey). This applies equally to working on media development projects as well as teaching-learning scenarios. Additionally, the various support services available for each step of the process are highlighted. To assess their own media competence as future teachers, the Kompass Digitaler Kompetenzen Lehramt (KomDiKoLa) is designed to provide support.


Learner Journey Process Description:

Support Services at the University of Education Weingarten

The University of Education Weingarten (UEW) offers numerous support services and structures that both faculty and students can use to realise the media projects. In addition to the existing institutional services, the TEgoDi project developed a wide range of additional support offerings during its project period.

TEgoDi created support services across different levels of need, including materials for information, reflection, targeted skills development, and feedback structures. These were integrated into existing systems.

In developing these support structures, the needs of the target groups (faculty and students) were carefully considered. As a result, joint offerings were made available, along with specific support services tailored to students. The TEgoDi Helpdesk, a collection of information and materials on moopaed, was created to assist UEW students in preparing and executing media projects. This resource was later transferred to the Wiki as the TEgoDi Link List and TEgoDi Glossary at the conclusion of the project. Current workshop dates and office hours are now available on the CoLiLab website. For faculty, based on feedback from group and individual discussions, an idea and materials pool was established. A curated collection with further links can be found in the Wiki under “+more” as part of the TEgoDi material collection. Networking and mutual support opportunities are provided through CoLiLab and events held there.


Müller, W., Grassinger, R., Schnebel, S., Stratmann, J., Weitzel, H., Aumann, A., Bernhard, G., Gaidetzka, M., Heiberger, L., Kreyer, I., Schmidt, C., Uhl, P., Visotschnig, M. & Widmann, J. (2021). Integration of Digital Competences into a Teacher Education Program: A Sensitive Approach. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 1: CSEDU, 232–242.

Author: Marion Susanne Visotschnig, Oktober 2024