Tag Management

languagetags:language Language version. Dokuwiki supports German and English. Tag category (Name des übergeordneten Namespaces, wenn nicht „tags“) Tag category: ta…
language:detags:language:de Language: German. Required by any page. This should usually match the superordinate language namespace de:. Values (sub tags)
language:enLanguage: English. Required by any page. This should usually match the superordinate language namespace en:.
mediumtags:medium Sibling tags tags:audience (tag category) [Description of the tag category.] tags:language Language version. Dokuwiki supports German and Engli…
medium:audiotags:medium:audio Sibling tags tags:medium:text tags:medium:video Child tags
medium:audiotags:medium:audio Sibling tags tags:medium:text tags:medium:video Child tags
medium:texttags:medium:text Sibling tags tags:medium:audio tags:medium:video Child tags
medium:videotags:medium:video Sibling tags tags:medium:audio tags:medium:text Child tags
tags:audience (tag category)

[Description of the tag category.]


Language version. Dokuwiki supports German and English.


Language: German. Required by any page. This should usually match the superordinate language namespace de:.


Language: English. Required by any page. This should usually match the superordinate language namespace en:.

test-eins: (tag category)

[Description of this tag category.]

test-eins:test-eins-value-drei (tag value)

[Description of this tag value.]

test-eins:test-eins-value-eins (tag value)

[Description of this tag value.]

test-eins:test-eins-value-zwei (tag value)

[Description of this tag value.]