Panels auf der Landing-Page

Title of Panel

col sm='4'

First panel content.

Title of Panel

col sm='4'

Second panel content.

Title of Panel

col sm='4'

Third panel content.

Title of Panel

col sm='4'

Fourth panel content.

Title of Panel

col sm='4'

Fifth panel content.

Title of Panel

col sm='4'

Sixth panel content.


Title of Panel

col sm='4'

Single panel between two empty panels (also with sm=„4“)


Title of Panel

col sm='4'

Single panel on the left side (also with sm=„4“)

Ein Fehler hier irgendwo. (Dieses Panel sollte in der nächsten Zeile liegen.) Fehler behoben mit nav-Component pro einzelner Zeile.


Titel des Panels

col sm='4'

Left panel of two in one row (with sm=„4“).

Title of Panel

col sm='4'

Right panel of two in one row (also with sm=„4“).