
Synchronous and asynchronous communication and collaboration


Synchronous and asynchronous communication and collaboration

Competency description

I can select and use digital tools for synchronous and asynchronous communication and collaboration (learning, parents) address-oriented, situation-appropriate and target-oriented.


Basic competency

Taxonomy level

2. Apply

Column/number in the document


Explanatory notes

This competence describes the ability to select and apply suitable digital tools for communication and cooperation between teachers and SuS and SuS among themselves, in synchronous (current) and asynchronous (temporal) scenarios. The selection of the works is carried out taking into account the target group, context and specific objectives.


The use of digital tools for communication and cooperation between teachers and parents offers an efficient way to exchange information, clarify questions and work on common educational objectives. Synchronity allows real-time communication while asynchronousity provides flexibility, as participants can act at different times.


Synchron: Videoconference platforms e.g. zoom Asynchronous: e-mail, school app


Brandhofer et al., 2019. Redecker et al., 2019. Rubach et al., 2019.

Educational material

Teaching materials on the special possibilities of the respective synchronous and asynchronous communication tools are offered by most manufacturers.

The three basic competencies (school and class organization, synchronous / asynchronous communication & collaboration, project & knowledge management systems) that can be found under the competence area “Digital School-related Competencies”, under the sub-area “Organizing Communication & Professional Cooperation”, establish a logical link between skills that teachers should have in order to be able to effectively use digital tools in different areas of their professional life. From the organization of teaching to cooperation with parents and the administration of projects.


Digital school-related competence, organizing communication, collaboration, synchronization, asynchronous, addressee-oriented, situation-adjusted, goal-oriented.