
School and class management


School and class management

Competency description

I can select and use digital tools for the school and class organization in a way that is appropriate to the situation and targeted.


Basic competency

Taxonomy level

2. Apply

Column/number in the overall document


Explanatory notes

Apprentices can select and use adequate digital instruments for organizing school and class structures according to the target group, current situation and goals. This competence describes the ability to effectively choose and apply digital tools for the management and organisation of school activities and class dynamics. Different factors (addressable, situation-appropriate, target-oriented) are taken into account.


Digital communication can improve organization and communication. Overall, it should be pointed out that the ability to use digital tools for school and class organization requires more than just technical know-how. It requires a deep understanding of the students, the current situation and the educational goals to make the best possible decisions.


Addressees: In the selection and use of digital tools for school and class organisation, a teacher pays attention to the target group and, in particular, to the fact that SuS, who have inclusive needs, are also appropriately considered. Target-oriented: A platform is selected to support the SuS in the processing of mathematics tasks.

Google Classroom: This platform offers teachers and SuS the opportunity to share course, task, and work materials and work collaboratively. Untis: Software for hourly planning, school booking. SchoolFox: Communication and appointment between parents, teachers, SuS.


Brandhofer et al.,2019. Brumster, S., Hummel, S. (2019): What if there was a formula to save the world? A digital multidisciplinary project in the 9th grade. In: Education 4/2019, p. 22-25. Scheiter, K., Riecke-Baulecke, T.: Teaching and learning with digital media. Strategies, international trends and educational orientations. Munich: Oldenburg (2017) p. 54-81. Tellisch, C.: Instruments for an inclusive school development. School management, quality management, learning arrangements. Berlin: Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH (2020).

Teaching material

Teaching materials for different programs are offered by some manufacturers. Furthermore, the cited sources provide a good basis for finding out more about this topic.

The three basic competencies (school and class organization, synchronous / asynchronous communication & collaboration, project & knowledge management systems) that can be found under the competence area “Digital School-related Competencies”, under the sub-area “Organizing Communication & Professional Cooperation”, establish a logical link between skills that teachers should have in order to be able to effectively use digital tools in different areas of their professional life. From the organization of teaching to cooperation with parents and the administration of projects.


Digital school-related competence, organizing communication, professional cooperation, organization, class management, tool selection, addressee-friendly, situation-appropriate, goal-oriented.