
Digital information and communication media


Digital information and communication media (Html, CMS, …)

Competency description

I can use different digital information media (in particular text, image, audio, video) and communication media (synchronous, asynchronous, hybrid) for my teaching/learning purposes.


Basic competency

Taxonomy level

2. Apply

Column/number in the document


Explanatory notes

This competence describes the ability to use various digital information and communication media in educational contexts. Teachers should be able to select suitable media formats (such as text, image, audio and video) and integrate both synchronously and asynchronously or hybrid (a combination of synchronously and asynchronously) for communication media into their teaching.


In the digitally supported teaching, teachers and students are available various information and communication media. The selection of the appropriate medium can influence the effectiveness of the teaching. The teaching can be visually supported with images, video and thus contribute to a better understanding.


Synchronous means of communication takes place in real time (e.g. video conferences). Asynchronous means that communication is time-delayed (e.g. e-mail). Hybrid means that both approaches can be combined to take advantage of both (e.g. blended learning).


Beißwenger, M., Bulizek, B., Gryl, I., & Schacht, F. (Editor). (2019). Digital innovations and competencies in education. Eat. Schellmann, B., Baumann, A., Gläser, M. & Kegel, T. (2017). Handbook Media: Understanding media – design – producing (7th, extended and improved edition). Verlag Europa-Lehrmittel Nourney, Vollmer GmbH & Co. KG

Teaching material

In the field of “media subject-related competencies” in the sub-area “learning & learning”, the competencies are designed to explain the skills and skills they need in order to effectively and efficiently teach and learn with digital media. These competencies cover various aspects of the integration of digital media into the education process and emphasize the skills to plan digital teaching, to select learning content, to examine technical requirements, to formulate teaching objectives and to organize teaching-learning phases in time.


Digital information media, digital communication media, text media, image media, audio media, video media, synchronous, asynchronous, hybrid.