
Basic instructional design models


Basic Instructional Design Models

Competency description

On the basis of Instructional Design models, I can create own digital teaching offers and evaluate their potentials using different models (e.g. Gagné ́s nine events of instruction, ADDIE, 4C/ID).


Basic competency

Taxonomy level

2. Apply

Column/number in the document


Explanatory notes

This competence describes the ability to create own learning offers according to different Instructional Design models. It is also about understanding, of instructional design models.


Instructional design models have proven themselves to effectively create teaching offers. These models offer a clear structure. The competence to use different models such as Gagne's nine events of instruction, ADDIE or 4C/ID allows teachers to develop and evaluate their effectiveness.


Creation of an online learning module: ADDIE model to systematically run through the design process. 4C/ID model for complex tasks to promote cognitive learning.


Branch, RM (2009). Instructional Design: The ADDIE Approach. Springer. Gagné, R., M.; Wagner, W.W., Golas, K.C., & Keller, J.M. (2005). Principles of instructional design, 5th ed. United States: Thomason Wandsworth.

Teaching material

In the field of “media subject-related competencies” in the sub-area “learning & learning”, the competencies are designed to explain the skills and skills they need in order to effectively and efficiently teach and learn with digital media. These competencies cover various aspects of the integration of digital media into the education process and emphasize the skills to plan digital teaching, to select learning content, to examine technical requirements, to formulate teaching objectives and to organize teaching-learning phases in time.


Basic Instructional Design Models, Teaching Design, Gagnes nine events, ADDIE Model, 4C/ID Model, Digital Teaching Offers.